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Heating Factories and Large Buildings More Efficiently 

Case Studies


Close up image of Racing Green Car Store
Under Humidity Solutions advice, Racing Green chose a Cotes C65E 11 to gain humidity control in its 10,000m facility Car Storage facility.

Advice ArticlesFAQs

Humidity Control Glossary (Part 2)

Do you know your hygrostats from your hydrometers? What about the difference between Ultrasonic and Ultradry units? Find out in the second half of our Humidity Control Glossary

Advice ArticlesFAQs

Water Treatment FAQ

Water treatment is used to soften water, filter out contaminates and prevent the spread of pathogens. Softened water helps some systems by limiting scale buildup, preventing breakdowns and reducing system strain, but can negatively affect others.

Advice ArticlesFAQs

Humidity Control Glossary (Part 1)

Part of our goal to make humidity control easy is breaking down the science of humidification into manageable pieces. Technical fields are notorious for creating clouds of terminology and it’s easy to get lost in the fog.

Advice ArticlesFAQs

Water Damage and Dehumidification: An FAQ

Flooding is the most common kind of extreme weather we experience in the UK. The resulting water damage in homes and buildings has to be treated quickly to limit it’s effects.

Advice Articles

Steam Humidification—Where to Use What

We recently shared a brief overview of the most common forms of steam humidification for industrial and commercial applications and how the technologies work. While understanding the technologies behind these models is an excellent basis to build from, knowing how something works does not reveal why it might be a good choice in your specific use case.

Advice Articles

Help Maintain Humidity, Not Just the Humidifier

Humidity is influenced by many factors. To get the most out of your humidity control system it’s important to keep the full HVAC system in mind.

Advice Articles

Industrial Steam Humidification—A Technical Overview

Steam humidification is one of the most common methods used to achieve accurate indoor climate control. They can easily integrate with existing HVAC ductwork, many building management systems (BMS) and offer humidity control without affecting temperature.

Advice Articles

Creating the Perfect Environment with Air Handling Units

A critical, yet often underused aspect of air handling units is their ability to manage humidity levels. improving comfort and health of those in the target space.

Advice Articles

Ultrasonic Humidifiers for Precision and Contamination Control

Find out all you need to know about Ultrasonic Technology and what applications it can be used in.

Case Studies

Bray Cured Achieves the Perfect Conditions for Charcuterie Production with Humidity Solutions

Bray Cured got in touch with Humidity Solutions in order to cure their award-winning charcuterie to the highest of standard.

Advice Articles

Flood Repairs and Damage Control Within Buildings

Disaster recovery can be crucial to limiting the long-term damage and financial impact unexpected weather has on your home and business.

Advice Articles

Protecting Classic Cars with Humidity Control

When it comes to protecting classic cars, achieving the optimum relative humidity of 50% becomes vital to maintaining the value of your car.

Advice Articles

Humidity Control in Cleanrooms

Humidity control is a critical factor that should never be overlooked in clean room design and operation.

Case Studies

Humidity Solutions Create Stable Conditions for Mosquito Breeding

Find out how we were able to bring close control back to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine’s mosquito labs.

Advice Articles

Resistive Humidifier or Electrode Boiler: What’s the difference?

A decision you’ll have to make when choosing steam humidification is whether to select a resistive or electrode humidifier. Read our article to find out more.

Case Studies

Humidity Solutions Protects Classic Cars From Condensation

Find out how Humidity Solutions provided a bespoke solution to condensation build up that was damaging his classic cars.

Advice Articles

Humidity Control Explained

Humidity Control Explained.  John Barker outlines a range of recent projects to help explain the niche sector of humidity control.

Advice Articles

A guide to energy-efficient humidity control solutions

Advice Articles

Swimming Pool Dehumidifiers

Learn how refrigerant dehumidifiers can reduce condensation, mould and slip hazards in pool and spa areas.

Case Studies

Artefacts protected with Resistive Humidifier by Humidity Solutions

Image of Nepronic SKE4 Resistive Humidifier protecting artefacts.
Humidity control provides The Novium Museum with reliable humidity control for protecting the precious artefacts.

Case Studies

Car Storage Facility Uses Dehumidification to Protect Luxury Cars

Image of Leavenhalls Classic & Prestige with dehumidification set up in their car storage facility.
Humidity Solutions supplied and installed desiccant dehumidifiers for car storage facility, enabling climate control in a Victorian farm building.

Advice Articles

Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing

Changing technology and chemical reactions means the environment lithium batteries are produced in are vital.
Image of a charcuterie board with meats and cheeses


Charcuterie & Humidity Control

Charcuterie needs dehumidification to ensure the perfect conditions for reliable curing and maturing. Managing Director John Barker explains more.
Image of condensation on glass with the word humidity which was formed with a resistive humidifier


Why do we need humidity control?

Learn why we need humidity control for industrial processes and human health and wellbeing.

Case Studies

Medical Research Facility Required Dehumidification for Dry Rooms

Image of a medical inspection through a microscope
Humidity Solutions provided humidity control to a leading research and development company for their new dry rooms.


Humidity Control for Industry and Commerce

Discover how humidity control impacts productivity and profits in industrial and commercial processes.

Case Studies

Oil Rig Uses Dehumidification to Preserve Accommodation

Image of Cotes C65 in oil rig accomodation
Humidity Solution provided dehumidification to protect and preserve offshore accommodation for an oil rig in the North Sea.

Advice ArticlesFAQs

Adiabatic Cooling – The What, Why and How

Understand the adiabatic effect, how it works, and the benefits of using adiabatic cooling.
Screenshot of lithium-ion battery manufacturing room


Cotes Ultradry solutions for Lithium-Ion Battery dry rooms

Discover how we achieve the worlds most sustainable battery dry rooms with Cotes.

Advice Articles

Understanding Industrial Dehumidifier Technology

Humidity control via dehumidification is vital in so many businesses, across a wide variety of business sectors. Learn more by reading this article.


How it works: Relative humidity and the dew point

Learn the science behind relative humidity, the dew point and its relationship to temperature.
Image of humidity building up on glass


Condensation leads to problems…

Condensation can lead to many problems in industry and commerce if not dealt with. Watch the video to find out more.

Case Studies

Lithium-ion Battery Production Requires Constant Dehumidification

Image of multiple lithium-ion batteries
Humidity Solution provides dehumidification for stable environmental conditions for lithium ion battery dry room production.

Case Studies

Hot Yoga Studio Benefits From Reliable Humidity

Image of hot yoga studio
A Bikram yoga studio based in Brighton required temperature and humidity control to replicate the climate conditions of India.

Advice Articles

Print protection with humidity control

Find out about the humidity issues that affect the print industry and how Humidity Solutions can produce a best in class print environment.

Case Studies

Scientific lab achieves reliable humidity control

Image of Neptronic SKE4 at Rentokil Pic scientific lab
Find out how Humidity Solutions helped Rentokil achieve closer humidity control in their scientific labs through resistive steam humidification.

Advice Articles

Winter and why humidity control is important

Discover why humidity control is important during the winter for both human health and industrial processes.