Lithium-Ion Battery Production

Why is humidity control important to lithium-ion battery production?

In the manufacture of lithium-ion cells, the alkaline materials used for cathodes, anodes and electrolytes are exceptionally sensitive to moisture. This means manufacturers need to keep the air in their dry rooms at dew points far lower than in the ambient air. Target levels of -60°C and relative humidity of 0.5% is common.

The biggest differentiate of our systems is the ability to connect to multiple renewable energy sources using Cotes Ultra Dry Air Technology, thus reducing energy costs and making battery production more sustainable and cheaper.  The diagram below helps explain the concept.

The Cotes range of flexible dehumidifiers are specially designed and configured to make this possible, with the remarkable levels of reliability essential in lithium-ion battery manufacture and assembly


  • Reduce CO2 emissions by up to 95%.
  • Decrease dry room energy bills by up to 66%.
  • Improve safety and quality with extremely low dew points, down to -120°C.
  • Reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs.
  • Maximise production uptime.
Why choose us

We understand lithium-ion battery production

Having worked in this industry sector for the past few years we are aware of the issues that need to be addressed to achieve the ultradry conditions required for safe and profitable manufacturing of lithium ion batteries.

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