Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in the air.
Relative Humidity (RH) is the amount of water currently present in air, compared to the maximum amount it can hold at that temperature.
At 100%RH the air can support no more water vapour and it becomes liquid. This point, where water condenses and becomes liquid, is called the ‘dew point’. Controlling the dew point of a specific controlled area is important in industries that require dry powders, sterile conditions (such as clean rooms) or aim to store food or products for a long period of time (such as in silos or cold stores). Turning the temperature up increases the humidity potential of the air, but it is not suitable for many of these applications. Warm silos promote mould and bacterial growth, warm cleanrooms can affect experiments and make user sweat, increasing the problem.
Dehumidification is a much more energy efficient and effective method of controlling the dew point of a specific space. By removing water vapour from the air through refrigerant or desiccant dehumidification, users can lower the relative humidity, ensuring it does not reach 100% and that critical dew point, regardless of temperature required in the controlled area.
Our friends at Cotes have put together this excellent video explaining Dew Points, relative humidity and the relationship between the two.
Humidity control is a science, and many of our solutions are unique to the application. Thankfully, we have a team of experts providing support not just through the sales process, but also award-winning post sales customer service. As independent specialists and suppliers, we’re able to choose the solution that best suits the application and budget without being restricted to a singular brand, and with our regular maintenance contracts you can rest assured that your unit will be performing at its best through its entire lifespan.
Get in touch with our experts today to discuss your humidity control needs by calling 01372 571 200 or email