HomEvap Humidifier

The HomEvap Range includes a range offers safe and energy-efficient humidifiers and coolers are ideal for homes and offices.

Features and benefits

  • Energy efficient humidity control
  • Remote wireless controls
  • Quiet when running
  • Directly connects to HRU or air ducts.
  • 2kW of cooling for 20W of energy

Typical applications

  • Homes
  • Offices
  • HomEvap Humidifier
  • HomEvap Cooler
  • HomEvap Direct
  • HomEvap Combi Comfort
  • Product Information

    The HomEvap Humidifier is a safe and energy-efficient humidifier, using the natural process of water evaporation to add water vapour to the incoming air. The humidifier is positioned after the heat recovery unit (HRU) which warms up the incoming air resulting in low relative humidity. This air passes through the HomEvap controlling the humidity. A built-in heater can warm the air to overcome the cooling effect if required. A Legiosafe® water filter is fitted as standard to guarantee healthy and safe operation. 

    / Specifications /

    Humidification capacities:0-4 L/hr
    Electrical consumption:20W, heater active 900W
    Maximum water consumption :5 L/hr

    Full specifications can be found on the downloads below.


  • Product Information

    The HomEvap cooler unit cools the outgoing extract air by means of evaporating water held in the airflow by the cooler’s matrix. This evaporation process of changing water to humid air creates what is known as adiabatic cooling. This cooled air then transfers this lower temperature air to the incoming air via the heat exchanger which cools the supply air. 

    Incredibly we can achieve 2kw of cooling for 20 watts of energy usage. 

    / Specifications /

    Humidification capacities:0-4 L/hr
    Electrical consumption:20W
    Maximum water consumption :5 L/hr

    Full specifications can be found on the downloads below.

  • Product Information

    HomEvap direct does not require connection to a heat recovery unit. The system is stand alone and can be discreetly positioned above a ceiling or in a cupboard. Using a low energy, quiet fan it allows the efficient spread of cooled air with humidity control through the work place or home. Ideal for spot cooling / humidity control or to make the whole environment more comfortable. 

    / Specifications /

    Humidification capacities:0-4 L/hr
    Electrical consumption:20W, heater active 900W
    Maximum water consumption :5 L/hr

    Full specifications can be found on the downloads below.

  • Product Information

    The HomEvap Combi Comfort combines the advantages of the cooler and humidifier in one efficiently controlled package providing all year-round comfort in the home or office. Again, used with an HRU it can provide temperature conditioning in the summer and humidity comfort in the winter. 

    / Specifications /

    Humidification capacities:0-4 L/hr
    Electrical consumption:20W, heater active 900W
    Maximum water consumption :5 L/hr

    Full specifications can be found on the downloads below.

HomEvap Humidifier

Product in action

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